"I've escaped it, a life wasted/And I'm never going back again." - Pearl Jam, "Life Wasted"

Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Lighthouse

- It's been awhile, thus this rambling.

- Facebook is eating away my time on this, but the old friends found there were extremely gratifying. I've never been a good manager of friends, because I'd much like to do things alone (eating, sleeping, shopping, reading). No one can be called my best friend, while I can't be to anyone. But after finding, and being accepted by, about 80 friends, I don't think I can be called a loner. That's good.

- It's hard to lead a double life. Will I be an above-average sports columnist/newpaper designer, or will I be a so-so guitarist with the (very) occasional inventiveness?

- Interpol remain haunting, but they seem in a rut. The icy, film-noir guitar lines are getting tiresome in some tracks. That said, when they hit form, it's way above the trash that comes out of music these days. Jaded? You bet I am.

- My heart swings, a lot.

- Harry Potter's over. Nice. I'm most like Hermione, according to a Facebook survey. That seemed to get onto many people's nerves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gluttony, this is pride over.

Frequency Change: 91828.357mhz

Request Sitrep over.

1:11 PM


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